This month on the website we are talking about a "New Year with New Jewelry Resolutions". Lets have more fun with self expression, lets dress up for no reason except ourselves. This was not just some throw away line of copy for the website, believe it or not this was my New Year's resolution! And listen, I am not generally into Resolutions, they rarely stick, but I needed this one myself. I don't know exactly what happened, I think I was feeling overwhelmed by this New Year and the challenges ahead. My to do list seems never ending and I was putting myself last in an effort to get it all done. Suddenly I was living in my PJ's, all day - every day. I was robbing myself of one of my favorite things -getting dressed up for the day- just because I was working from my home studio. This had to stop!
Its a slippery slope, I was feeling schlumpy and un-inspired and what I was wearing reflected that.

Taco's and Tiara's, "schlumping" into 2024
The real wake up call came when a stylist for one of the top recording artist in the world messaged me saying they would be at our showroom in 15 minutes - they were having a jewelry emergency (literally their words) on the set of her new video and needed to pull pieces immediately. This business can be so ridiculous but never dull. I caught myself in the mirror and was like "WTF Tarina!" what stared back at me was a pink tumbleweed of hair with reading glasses as a headband, my Norco High School hoodie (literally from High School), my favorite worn out PJ pant situation and Olivia's Totoro slippers. It was ridiculous, I was at work for God's sake and what was I thinking? THIS. HAD. TO. STOP. I had to tornado myself into looking barely presentable like a crazy person and was still brushing my teeth when they showed up. Honestly this stylist is so sweet and would not have cared, but I cared. It was not a good look.

So why this long story about something that seems not so important? Because it actually is important. Showing up and dressing up for yourself makes you feel better and makes the world just a tiny bit cuter and makes people smile when they see you. It's one of the reasons I do what I do. Creating tools for self expression is what we are all about here at TT, but sometimes even I can lose sight of what is right in front of me and need a little reminder.
So this year why not try something new with your jewelry pieces? Try piling up a stack of bracelets or wearing some big pearls. Throw on a tiara, even if its just for midnight tacos at home. Most of all have fun!
xo Tarina